3,700 kilometres of coastline, a Fiat Millecento and an old travel diary – these are the ingredients used to make Pepe Danquart’s documentary Ahead of Me the South (Vor mir der Süden). Following in the footsteps of the great Italian thinker Pier Paolo Pasolini, the filmmaker gains a deep insight into the social reality of present-day Italy. The country is hugely affected by globalisation and the phenomenon of mass tourism, which, more than ever, is characterised by the same hedonistic conformity that Pasolini lamented more than fifty years ago. The film also sheds light on the situation of African refugees who, after their perilous flight to Europe, mostly end up on the Italian coast. Ahead of Me the South is a poetic contemporary documentary, a kaleidoscopic picture of modern Italy.
Produced by
Albolina films (BZ,IT) & bittersuess pictures (DE)
6.00 pm DOORS OPEN, take a seat and enjoy an aperitivo
7:30 START STANGLER BUFFET: €27,00 (students with valid ID €17,00)
Buffet with appetizers, salads, first and main course and sweet finale - the courses are served one after the other, so if you come late you might miss part of the buffet; for reservations, please contact us: +39 348 86 59 739 / stanglerhof@gmail.com
Thomas Eirich-Schneider
Andrew Bird, Gregor Bartsch
Sound recording
Martin Fliri
Sound design
Clemens Endress
Susa Kusche, Pepe Danquart, Wilfried Gufler, Thomas Menghin
With the support of
Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
IDM Film Commission Südtirol
Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Deutscher Filmförderfonds
Ministero della cultura, tax credit
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